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Install OPUS for Ubuntu 9.10

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:30 am
by ryanroberts
I am attempting to install opus-0.65-405-2009-11-12.i386.rpm.
I used alien 8.78:
sudo alien -v opus-0.65-405-2009-11-12.i386.rpm
The file opus_0.65-406_i386.deb was created without issue.
I used:
/usr/sbin/usermod -G opus USERNAME
to add the current user to the opus group.
I ensured the packages: libcurl3, unixodbc, and libexpat1 were installed. I only had to use Synaptic Package Manager to download and install unixodbc.
I also ensured a libtiff program was installed; libtiff4 was already installed.
And libXinerama was installed as well.

I am not an experienced user when it comes to Linux or Ubuntu.

I used the workaround:
cd /usr/lib/opus/bin

ln -s /usr/lib/libtiff4 libtiff3

The log file reads:
./opus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am not sure what to do at this point? I have the libexpat1 v 2.0.1-4ubuntu1.1.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Ryan Roberts

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:56 pm
by Andreas Mohr

first, sorry for the large delay! I don't have post notifications, and my local reminders were not frequent enough yet (fixed).

You would have to symlink the libexpat file similar to the libtiff symlink.
However I guess that you typoed libtiff and it should have read libexpat.
In that case the .so.X extensions of the files were missing in your attempt above.
During ln -s, try <Tab> <Tab> to check which files are to be symlinked.

I'm aware of the painful fact that installation on newer distributions is currently far from enjoyable, especially given this older release, however I'm currently reworking everything, which will - in the medium term - result in exactly matching packages provided for several mainstream distributions / versions (and also plain archives provided in case other distributions don't have any luck with specific binary packages at all).