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23025 Preamplifier Gain Calibration is Required

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:34 pm
by JConley
Hello again, JConley here:

I am running into an error (see subject) when I take reflection measurements. Clicking the "Diagnose" button that shows up brings me to the usual instrument/component status menu.

Any ideas on how to calibrate the preamplifier gain?

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you in advance,


Re: 23025 Preamplifier Gain Calibration is Required

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:25 pm
by Andreas Mohr

I've managed to speak to some "knowledgeable person", and this person explained the following (hopefully more or less precisely regurgitated):

This is message ID 3025 in the 20000 range.
AFAIUI this happens in case preamp gain calibration things are requested,
in which case preamp calibration data is being queried.
This is being stored in the configuration storage of a device component (in this case: detector).
If the chip content indicates that calibration is not completed, then one will get this message.
He said that calibration will be done initially (i.e., more or less device construction), and then should be "ok" since "known" (which raises the question of why this does not seem to be the case for your device... perhaps never done, or corruption, perhaps due to interim poweroff or some such? Or perhaps this calibration status setup is not needed for your device, yet someone then sends a command which requests it?).
He believes that this must be a LUMOS device.
He said that one ought to report content of a Full Report page (config.htm).
Please send this data directly to me (might possibly contain very device-specific, private data).
Then we will hopefully be able to draw further conclusions.


Andreas Mohr

Re: 23025 Preamplifier Gain Calibration is Required

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 4:47 pm
by JConley
Hello Andreas,

I am definitely using a LUMOS device. I am unable to locate a config.htm file in the opus program files and am not familiar with a "full report page". Is this referring to the detector status as accessed through the diagnostics window? Kind of looks like a spreadsheet with all sorts of device component parameters.

We have had a power lapse in the last couple of weeks. I do not use reflectance as often as other modes, so it may have had the issue for a while.

Thank you,


Re: 23025 Preamplifier Gain Calibration is Required

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:28 am
by Andreas Mohr
Hello JConley,
I am unable to locate a config.htm file in the opus program files and am not familiar with a "full report page". Is this referring to the detector status as accessed through the diagnostics window? Kind of looks like a spreadsheet with all sorts of device component parameters.
"I would have thought that you should have known that" the device can be accessed via a usual web browser, since it is sufficiently HTML compliant. But quite possibly we don't specify this in our glossy shiny user manuals...
It should be possible to simply use the device's IP address as given in the Measure -> Optics Setup And Service OPUS dialog window --> usually something like http://10.10.........

EDIT: LEGAL/PREVENTATIVE DISCLAIMER: of course it goes without saying that directly accessing (and especially: modifying) configuration pages without usual "OPUS comfort/guidance" might subsequently carry risks of device mis-configuration in case of unattentive/risk-embracing users...
(this also more or less implies: creating a HDD-based backup / printout of important parameter pages ought to be useful)

HTH (in case of further questions, please don't hesitate to ask!),

Andreas Mohr

Re: 23025 Preamplifier Gain Calibration is Required

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:03 am
by Andreas Mohr
I just had another discussion with colleagues of mine (I'm sitting in the LUMOS OPUS software room) - they said that this looks like the device's configuration is damaged (probably the content of an SEEPROM on the specific detector, not the device's SEEPROM), In other words this unfortunately likely is a service case (the detector pretty much has clean room environment conditions, with robust/calibrated mounting, thus this issue is not serviceable by end users on the hardware side).
We thus recommend getting in touch with service department in case this issue persists.

Note also that my colleague doubted that a LUMOS device can be openly accessed via web browser.